What is Ramadan 2024 | Fasting, Facts, Meaning, Start & End

Assalamu Alaykum Brothers and Sisters, I Hope You are Well. Today I’m going to tell you what is Ramadan. Whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim, this article will help you a lot. What is Ramadan, and why do Muslims keep Ramadan?

So read this article till the end, in which we have tried to answer all your questions, and we hope you will like it.

Allah SWT say in Quran:

“O” You who Believe. fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may achieve Righteousness” [SURAT AL-BAQRAH, VERSE 183]

“The month Of Ramadan {is} a guidance for the people and clear Proofs of guidance and Criterion.”



What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is Arabic word “Ramadan” mean SCORCHING HEAT or Dryness.

Ramadan means no eating or drinking from dawn to dusk and yes that includes no drinking water even though you can’t eat and drink between these times there are two special meals one before dawn which is called Suhoor and another after dusk which is called Iftar.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslim people who follow the religion of Islam. Ramadan shifts 11 days earlier each year.

Each year for 30 days, 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide fast during the month of Ramadan. You may know that Muslim people fast during Ramadan, they abstain from eating and drinking each day from dawn until sunset, But there’s much more to this month than simply not eating and drinking Ramadan.

It’s hard enough to abstain from food and water for a whole day; how do people do it in the summer, not even water actions that Muslims are commanded to avoid during fasting hours.

  • eating
  • Drinking
  • Smoking
  • sex

The time to break the fast or, in other words, to Feast coincides with the sunset. It is often fun for families and friends who share meals and invite Neighbours.

Islam has 5 pillars of faith.

  1.  SAWM (fasting from dawn to dusk)
  2. ZAKAT (giving 2.5% of daily earnings to charity )
  3. SALAH (praying 5 times a day)
  4. SHAHADAH ( believing there is no deity but god and prophet (pubh) as his messenger.
  5. HAJJ– making the pilgrimage to MECCA at least once a lifetime.

When is Ramadan 2024?

Ramadan in 2024 will start on Tuesday the 12nd of March 2024) and continue for 30 days until Thursday and the 10st of Apr. The exact date of the start of Ramadan will be confirmed closer to the date based on the shining moon tradition.

The date of Ramadan in the Gregorian calendar moves forward about 11 days each year due to different lengths of the Islamic and Gregorian years.

When does Ramadan start?

Ramadan in 2024 will start on Tuesday the 12nd of March 2024) and continue for 30 days until Thursday and the 10st of Apr. The exact date of the start of Ramadan will be confirmed closer to the date based on the shining moon tradition.

When does Ramadan end?

Ramadan in 2024 will start on Tuesday the 12nd of March 2024) and continue for 30 days until Thursday and the 10st of Apr.

What does Ramadan Mubarak mean?

The Meaning of Ramadan Mubarak is congratulation for Ramadan. We express happiness with each other by saying Eid Mubarak on the occasion of Eid; in the same way, we express the happiness of Ramadan by saying Ramadan Mubarak, which means to express happiness about anything or any festival.

During Ramadan, Muslim people hug each other and congratulate each other.

The History of Ramadan

History of Ramadan Mubarak
History of Ramadan Mubarak

When Muhammad was 40, he began to spend time alone of questions that troubled him. he does this as a habit of retreating to CAVE in a mountain called “AL-HIRA” for a month.

One night almost 1500 years ago, a man named Muhammad was sitting in thought alone near a cave when he heard a voice: the angel Gabriel. He spoke to Muhammad and said, read Muhammad resisted the instruction and told the angel Gabriel, I am not a reader. Still, after being instructed three times, Muhammad listened and memorized the first verses from the Quran, the holy text of Islam. Its story is why Ramadan is so celebrated.

Muhammad was TERRIFIED and told this story to their community elders. They said, “Muhammad, you are chosen as the prophet of God.”

This is how 1st Ramadan was started in a terrifying manner.

How does fasting work?

Fasting can help lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent or control diabetes and brain health. During a meal, carbohydrates in food are broken down into glucose. Glucose absorbs through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream and is transported to various organs, serving as the primary energy source.

Excess glucose is stored for later use in the live and adipose tissue in glycogen and fats. In between meals, when the body is in the fasted state, the liver converts glycogen back to glucose to keep supplying the body with energy. Typically, an inactive person takes about 10 to 12 hours to use up the glycogen stores, although someone who exercises may do so in much less than.

Losing the extra fat is translated into a range of associated health benefits

What are the Rules of Fasting during Ramadan?

There are two essential elements for your fast to be valid or accepted.

1- Intention; You must have the intention to fast before fajr (dawn) every night during the month of Ramadan.

The intention does not need to be spoken in realty is an act of the heart that does not involve the tongue. It will be fulfilled by one’s intention from the heart to fast out of obedience to Allah SWT.

2- Abstaining From Acts That Nullify The Fast;

The Second Essential Element For Your fast to be accepted is that you abstain from the acts That nullify the fast from Dawn to sunset.

Action that invalidates or nullifies the fast:

  • 1. Intentional Eating/drinking; If someone eats or drinks due to forgetfulness or a mistake, his fast is still valid and should continue to fast.
  • If you choose to eat or drink for any reason, then your fast will become invalid.
  • 2. Intentional Vomiting; Suppose one is overcome by the urge to vomit. And vomits unintentionally, Then he should continue to fast.
  • If someone Chooses to vomit for any reason, then his fast will become invalid.
  • 3. Intentional Sexual Intercourse; If One has Sexual Intercourse while fasting, Then he must KAFFAARAH expiation of the sin. (fasting continuously for sixty days) or unable, then one should feed sixty poor people.
  • 4. Menstrual or Childbirth bleeding; The fast becomes invalid during menstrual or childbirth bleeding.
  • Even if such bleeding being just before sunset The fast of that day is invalid.

Do you lose weight during Ramadan?

Do you lose weight during Ramadan
Do you lose weight during Ramadan

Yes, weight is reduced in Ramadan, but due to the loss of weight, somewhere, we get a lot of benefits to the body. And the disease is also removed from our body.

While research is still underway and the method may not be suitable for everyone, when done correctly, intermittent fasting can help lose weight, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevent or control diabetes, and improve the brain’s health.

Why do the dates of Ramadan change every year?

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. We just imagined the month arising simultaneously every summer or every winter. Being lunar means that within the span of every 30 years or so, the month of Ramadan falls in each of the four-season, hence the just nature of the lunar system.

The date of Ramadan in the Gregorian calendar moves forward about 11 days each year due to different lengths of the Islamic and Gregorian years.

Differences Between Shia and Sunni Muslims About Ramadan

There is a slight difference between the fasting of Shia and Sunni Muslims. Sunni Muslims break their fast when the sun sets, but there is light in the sky. And Shia Muslims break their fast when it gets dark,

is Ramadan decorations haram?

It’s a cultural thing we have to differentiate between culture and religion if it were to be something in connection with the belief, it’s innovation, but if something connected with the culture, then it’s ok and permissible.

Can Ramadan be 28 days?

The length is confirmed in the many true Hadiths from the Messenger-Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam. They say the month is at least 29 days. It is confirmed with valid Islamic evidence that Shawwal has entered. This happened after the Muslims had fasted 28 days.

They did not fast the first day of Ramadhan. Therefore they must make up for it because it is not possible for the month to be 28 days. The month is only 29 or 30 days

Is Ramadan the same time each year?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and is observed by Muslim people who follow the religion of Islam. Ramadan shifts 11 days earlier each year.

Do all Muslims have to fast during Ramadan?

Fasting compromises an Ill person’s and pregnant women, nursing mothers, postpartum women, children, travelers, and seniors who either can’t tolerate fasting or upon whom fasting is harmful.

Can I eat in front of someone fasting?

No This is not permissible, we should abstain from eating and drinking in front of a fasting person.

How many times a year in Ramadan?

Every year Ramadan moves back approximately 10 to 11 days. According to the lunar calendar, We are abiding by this. Rule, the holy month will be occurring twice in 2030. But now Ramadan comes only once in a year.

Are you allowed to kiss during Ramadan?

This is permissible if one ensures that none of the saliva, which is almost impossible to ensure, goes into his stomach. Therefore, her stomach and, consequently, one should avoid this during Ramadan because it would lead to something that may affect your fasting, and it’s not worth it. It’s only a few hours, and then you have the night to do anything.

Are you allowed to brush your teeth when fasting?

Some scholars put restrictions on using toothpaste because toothpaste has mass to it, so if you swallow some of it, you will break your fast. But you can brush teeth with miswak instead of toothpaste, and this is also the Sunnah of our prophet (pubh).

Can you shower during Ramadan?

It is permissible you can take shower during Ramadan.

Can you watch TV during Ramadan?

Anything that has music and any program that has men and women mixing. its haram in Islam all of these is tools of shaitan to brainwash us.

What happens if you listen to music in Ramadan?

Anything that has music and any program that its haram in Islam. And if you listen to the song in Ramadan, then repent from Allah and avoid it.

How many people celebrate Ramadan each year?

Almost everyone fasting except sick people and children and old people.

Can Ramadan happen twice a year?

Every year Ramadan moves back approximately 10 to 11 days. According to the lunar calendar, We are abiding by this. Rule, the holy month will be occurring twice in 2030.

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Ashraf Ali

My name is Ashraf Ali, and I am a freelance writer and blogger. I have received my education from religious seminaries. I thoroughly enjoy writing on religious topics, and through my articles, I strive to convey the correct Islamic message to people.

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